Friday, February 26, 2010
Joy from being a future Mother
Saturday, February 20, 2010
tv and happiness
Perhaps the proper response to outrageous behavior is outrage, or, more to the point, the proper response to outrageous television is outrage. I express my own and this Church’s disappointment, disagreement, and even outrage with television that turns our attention and sometimes our inclinations toward violence, self-serving greed, profanity, disrespect for traditional values, sexual promiscuity, and deviance.
We should strive to change the corrupt and immoral tendencies in television and in society by keeping things that offend and debase out of our homes. In spite of all of the wickedness in the world,
Interesting point here:
and in spite of all the opposition to good that we find on every hand, we should not try to take ourselves or our children out of the world. Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,” or yeast. (Matt. 13:33.) We are to lift the world and help all to rise above the wickedness that surrounds us. The Savior prayed to the Father:
Thursday, February 18, 2010
happiness by loving family
Monday, February 15, 2010
joy from knowing
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Love and Depression
Monday, February 8, 2010
oh, man!
me too.
About a year ago I threw away a bunch of documents from my mission and from my Spain study abroad, because I figured they weren't important enough to take up the small box load of space they took up.
It didn't take long for me to realize the mistake I had made. And even worse, it's often that I think of something I want to remember and realize I trashed it! Voluntarily!
I was trying to impress my fiance by not being a pack-rat. Now I know that decisions like throwing away important documents should be made by me alone, excluding all other outside influences (he didn't TELL me to throw them away, but I interpreted the look on his face when he saw how much stuff I had to mean I needed to toss some things... and so I chose those things...bummer).
Also, I realize that pack-ratting is someone who hoards useless items. At the time, I thought they'd be useless. I even told myself, "Well, if it's really important you have this information in a year, God will help you find it some other way." Silly me! Of course God can and would help me with something I needed, if He approved, but I believe He expects us to be responsible and resourceful. But NO! I had to throw away those resources and will forever regret it.
Maybe not forever.
There's a chance that in heaven we'll be able to find things we lost. Or we'll be able to get back things we thought we should throw away and then realized too late that we will need it later!
Oh...I hope...
Impulsiveness is not limited to the diagnosed depressed... but can be a habit of those who are also depressed. I will be aware of this in the future and take TIME to decide what to throw away and what to keep.
Friday, February 5, 2010
on my mirror
Make Peace with Imperfection
I’ve yet to meet an absolute perfectionist whose life was filled with inner peace. The need for perfection and the desire for tranquility conflict with each other. When ever we are attached to having something a certain way, better than it already is, we are, almost by definition, engaged in a losing battle. Rather than being content and grateful for what we have, we are focused on what’s wrong with something and our need to fix it. When we are zeroed in on what’s wrong, it implies that we are dissatisfied, discontent.
Whether it’s related to ourselves – disorganized closet, a scratch on the car, an imperfect accomplishment, a few pounds we would like to lost – or someone else’s “imperfections”- the way someone looks, behaves, or lives their life- the very act of focusing on imperfection pulls us away from our goal of being kind and gentle. This strategy has nothing to do with ceasing to do your very best but with being overly attached and focused on what’s wrong with life. It’s about realizing that while there’s always a better way to do something, this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy and appreciate the way things already are.
The solution here is to catch yourself when you fall into your habit of insisting that things should be other than they are. Gently remind yourself that life is okay the way it is, right now. In the absence of your judgment, everything would be fin. As you begin to eliminate your need for perfection in all areas of your life, you’ll begin to discover the perfection in life itself.
-Richard Carlson
Thursday, February 4, 2010
words of wisdom
Monday, February 1, 2010
Gratitude Post