see his eyes
snip their little finger nails
help him stop crying
hand him to Michael and watch him glow
hear him laugh
see him learn
take him on walks
show him, my greatest creation, to others
watch him with my loved ones
see my sister love my child after I've loved hers for 9 1/2 years
see our family grow
look at the temple and know we'll be together forever because of it
make mistakes and have to apologize and watch him forgive
see him apologize and want to forgive him right away
watch him break things and feel bad and let him know they're just "things"
but he's my son
watch him succeed at something and try to hide his excitement and pride
watch him fail and then try again or try something new
teach him about a loving Father in Heaven we all have
teach him about the Savior and why He is and always will be the center of our
watch him watch his dad
watch him laugh at his dad's jokes
watch him smile at me when I'm sad
watch him learn for himself that the Gospel is true and Jesus is his personal Savior
see him struggle to know who he is
see him help others know who they are
see him run
see him play by himself
see him play with others
see him with my parents and finally understand how much they always loved me
see him with my nieces and nephews and know he'll always love and look up to them
change his diaper
clean up his high chair
speak baby language with him
fill up his sippy cup
pack a diaper bag
feel his first kiss on my cheek.
I can't wait to be a mother.
(to make it easier I referred to the baby as a "he" but we'll find out the gender in a month!)