Monday, January 7, 2019

just do it

I compose sentences in my mind all the time. When I'm in the shower, when I'm trying to go to sleep, when I experience something that teaches me something new, when I'm outside and see something beautiful- I go into writing mode and think thoughts that I hope if written down would serve as a beautiful memory of what I was experiencing and maybe even inspire someone else in some way.  As you may have already noticed, I'm no expert on grammer and punctuation and even though I studied journalism in school, much of what I learned has escaped me by now. But, I still have a passion to write. And, so, since school I've written some blog posts, some lengthy Facebook/IG posts, letters, thank you notes, and a lot of journal entries. I've also started a few essays hoping to submit them to our Church's magazine and never followed through.  Now I've decided to just write, hence the title to just do it.
Here are some things I've written about in my head and plan on writing down here on this blog this year.

-my network marketing experience
-finance lessons and goals
-taking things personally
-stuff (like stuff we consume and accumulate in our home)

Those are just from the top of my head.  I just wanna be clear that I'm doing this for me and I'm also excited at the thought that maybe a few people will be inspired by what I write.  But, to be honest, I've learned that even if nobody reads or likes what I've written that it's just as valuable as if a million people read it and like it.  It's from my mind and my heart and that's amazing.  It's amazing because it feels so good to write. It's amazing because it's me and there's no other me. It's amazing because I've been gifted with a brain that thinks deeply about a lot of stuff and writing, sharing and connecting make me feel alive, loved and hopeful.

I'll see you next time I write.


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